Sunday, February 28, 2010

Is it true that washing relaxed African American hair once or twice a week, makes it grow longer?

Also does pure castor oil really help with growth and thicker hair?Is it true that washing relaxed African American hair once or twice a week, makes it grow longer?
No and sort of. I've heard castor oil helps with thickness, or so I've heard. How much of it is true - I don't know. I bought some jamaican black castor oil and only used it once because it causes too much build-up - a complete waste of my money.

Washing and conditioning your hair once a week or more will make it healthier but it won't effect hair growth from the scalp. Healthier hair means you'll probably retain length better so it can get longer, but retaining length and hair growth from the scalp are two completely different things. I wash my hair about 3-4 times a week. If you don't want to use shampoo, then you can use conditioner only to wash your hair, and then use it again to condition, and then use shampoo like once a week.

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