Friday, February 26, 2010

Why do people thing that african american hair is naturally oily?

Ignorant poeple trying to tell me it's greasy, we're not the ones with hair so nasty we have to wash it every day or else we get disgusting oily strands. Our hair is naturally very dry it's what people choose to put in it. But you are welcome to prove me wrong.Why do people thing that african american hair is naturally oily?
No idea, I always thoughtt it was dry like you said.Why do people thing that african american hair is naturally oily?
well.....Jem you see people have diffrent types of hair.......people like me don't wash their hair everyday but i still take care of it...people with the silky hair have to wash it everyday to prevent lice.
Yeah , i have never heard that they think its oily. It is very dry and that is why it frizzes so much (i am white and also have dry,frizzy hair)
what you said...people are ignorant!
whoever told you that is Whack! my best friend is african american and her hair is the most beautiful and prettiest hair i have ever seen. not oily or greasy at all. plus its the amount of the product you put in it. anyone can have greasy hair. im white and have dry and oily hair.
Because...they don't have aficn american hair...and they probably don't ever really come into contact with it...

Some of the old hair products like afrosheen were smelly and oily. People were not smart enough to separate this from natural hair.
I think it is lack of knowledge. However, I have seen some old school moms that so over grease their daughters hair so much that it covers their foreheads and ears.
You are right. Black people's hair is not greasy naturally. So i use alot of conditioners so my hair won't dry out and break off.

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